My Most Trusted Detox Tips!

Click here for more information on why I recommend cleansing and instructions for how to order your own 21 day purification program!

A little extra help goes a long way.

As a Naturopathic doctor, I’m trained to assist the body in its natural processes by optimizing elimination, unblocking certain systems and ensuring peek cellular functions. To do this, I draw on my years of studies as an herbalist, recommending the correct combination of herbs, supplements, homeopathic remedies and clays to suit your individual biology.

I work on a case-by-case basis with my patients, helping to keep them accountable and assisting them in implementing specific protocols and products that will aid with their specific detoxification needs.

Here are my most trusted detox tips:

1. I advise my patients to utilize a colon cleanse, which aids in gently eliminating toxins through the bowels and helps to limit initial detox symptoms while cleansing.

I recommend the Shud Yoga Cleanse – sold exclusively at Seasonal Health – which is the most gentle, inexpensive and time-efficient colon cleanse I have ever tried.

2. Open your pores and sweat out the toxins by making use of saunas, steams, seaweed wraps, body scrubs, and skin brushing.

3. Utilize supplements, teas and herbs that support and cleanse the kidney, liver and lymphatic system will aid in your detox goals. Purchase products that incorporate lemon peel, milk thistle and dandelion in their list of ingredients.

4. Take some time to enjoy and incorporate young living essential oils, which have specific blends such as “Purification” and “Release” (the names say it all!). They’re powerful in cleansing the mind, body and spirit and can be purchased through our site: Dr. Kathia’s Young Living Site.

5. Measuring results is as important to me as a practitioner as it is to my patients.

Prior to a cleanse, I have my patients fill out a detox questionnaire, which we use to determine toxic load. Post-cleanse, we’ll refer back to the initial questionnaire as a guidepost for measuring improvement in symptoms.

I also include a diet and lifestyle diary to serve as an accountability component and to create awareness.

For patients participating in a longer purification diet, I often take a photo of their iris pre-cleanse and three months following an intense cleanse and homotoxicology protocol. Since the iris is a reflex organ, we can inspect it to see profound proof that your body has cleansed on a cellular level.

For patients experiencing unexplained symptoms, and are concerned that they have been overly exposed to heavy metals, I offer heavy metal testing and oral chelation therapy. I also test for food-sensitivity and chemical-sensitivity for environmental toxins.

Stop by my office and find out which detox approach is right for you. Mention this article and receive $50 off your next purification program or individual detox consult!

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